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NOTE :  The material found in the book outline(s) presented on this web site do not necessarily reflect the opinions
or beliefs of Corporate Webbing Personnel or any other Local Webbing Sites found here.


Sample chapters are located at the end of the outline.



Table of Contents



Chapter Outline






Table of Contents



A Greeting




A New Season


A Gift: Lighted Time


A Salted Tongue


The Feeders, The Breeders, and Their Clientele.


People of Good Intentions:

Found in the Right, Yet Lost to the Light.


Seven- Days, Cycles, and Seasons


Our Burdens of Lost Intention


Alpha and Omega:

His Time and Our Last Choice






What seems already a life time ago, I remember my attempts to explain Jesus as just a really morally correct philosopher. That was the last sentence I said about Jesus before I found myself corrected. We can change, and we are all equally capable of changing. What follows began as a letter and grew to this novel. Two years ago I would have told a person like myself today, that they were either a fool, a dreamer, or insane. As it turns out, today that is how I see myself of the past. And so now know from where these pages come, the mistakes of a fool, the experience of a dreamer, and the acts of a madman. I am not a Judge, a Philosopher, a Priest, or Teacher, yet in such a way I have been lead to write. So when reading please do not focus on me as the source of the words and the lessons, for I tell you now, I am not.



An Explanation of Intentions structure.

An Explanation of Intentions content.



To Top of Page




New Season







With all knowledge there comes a new understanding. The purpose of this letter is to bring a complete understanding to the -until now- hidden drive behind the journey in which I have been told to take. This letter is intended to be passed on to the human which is living their life on this earth as a Bi-level existence, that being for the soul and then the mind and body. For in the dark one cannot read, and knowledge can be a danger for the human in denial if it is not introduced in the proper manner. A true understanding of my journey may not be necessary in order for it to serve it’s purpose, simply because there will be a day of judgment for those left unknowing. I understand without the knowledge no light can be shed on the truth, but to the human who has spent their life in the dark, bright light is painful and will only serve to push them further into the darkness. There is no reference material necessary for this letter unlike the material which has been a product of my birth. The material I’m developing is for the human of the earth. The human of the earth believes what they see to be true, when in fact what is seen only exists, but isn’t necessarily true. In order to bring them closer to the light they must first see a glimpse of it’s existence. Once enough light is shown upon them, the source of the light may be revealed, along with the warning not to stare into it. For staring to long will cause blindness and eternal darkness. We must only learn to live within the light, and no alteration to that, need be made.

So we begin our documentation of present events, which shall have no more impact on what has already been decided, but may have one on what has not. The season of choice in which we have arrogantly stepped into is still among us. We must remember intention. We were intended to exist without the capacity of choices beyond His choosing, and we were deceived into thinking we were capable of controlling our choices through knowledge. When we fight the serpent in his darkened arena we will lose if we allow him the weapon selection. He has mastered the weapons of his arena past the point to which we have the time to offer any skillful confrontation. But we can use to our advantage an outside source of light to at least see the weapon to which his blow is to be attributed. Through the simple knowledge of recognition we can see the power we asked to hold during this season was simply past our capacity to control. Though we have tried, we have failed miserably. If we would choose to document the weapons he uses as seen in the light, we would have reference to their intent. When compared to God’s initial intent of our being, what is not similar will be seen as the dark, and to the light side of a subject we may direct ourselves. We are in the serpents arena. His prison until the end. Our prison until the beginning, unless we choose to stay with him.



An Explanation of this Journey.

The Beginning of Present Documentation.

Remembering God’s Intentions.

Introduction to Memory.

Marriage and Family.







A Gift:

Lighted Time







And now in the midst of my Earthly work this morning I awoke to the presence of an Angel. As my only intention was to lend him my mind and body so that he may experience the beauty of this Earth as seen through a lighted human he came into me, only for less than one minute of time did he stay and he left. I believe because my intention was that of the one to give only, he also did the same, and I received the intention of Lighted Time.

And now for a few minutes of Lighted Time, we will turn to it’s intent. As we have searched for the use of the thing called time, we only know of, we are lead into the desire to control it. We feel without it’s control we are allowing it to control us, which leads to determination, which leads to frustration, which leads to disappointment, which leads to a misinterpreted failure, which leads to a knock from the dark with a suggestion, a trade, an answer for a favor. Depending on the depth of darkness one has traveled the heavier the knock and the greater the trade. Open the door to this knock once and you receive an answer with no end. For the answer you must return to the dark. To find your answer you must first go to the depth to which you found your last and on that add to the depth one more level. We realize not, that Hell is not simply granted, it is achieved. So to any who would say a lost soul is God’s Will, I will say now, this is the will and intent of the Thing who cannot reveal his true name, or true sight, or true intent, because these are things of his own invention, so for him only are they intended. We are not of his invention, we are of the Creator’s Creation.



The Desire to Control Time.

A View of the things called N.A.S.A., The Drug War, Ebola, and the teaching serpent.

Time a Factor of Process.

Processing with Time: AIDS, Cancer, Wages, And the Working Parents.

Time of the Condemned.

Factor of Time: AIDS, Alcoholism, the Workaholic, Abortion, and A.D.H.D..


To Top of Page












A salted tongue is one more complicated than the language of Wisdom. Before Wisdom is learned it must first be found, but once given and received, it only need be used to not be lost. For in the language of Wisdom lighted eyes are needed to read. Once read, lighted ears are needed to hear. Once heard, a lighted mind is needed to understand. Once understood, a lighted body is needed to act. In order for these tools to be lighted, only the sole need be lighted. Once light is seen through darkness, the recognition of darkness is achievable for the purpose of it’s dismantling and our absolution through Jesus Christ. A lighted sole is a gift made possible through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, from His gift to us, our Comforter, the Holy Spirit. But for one to bring Knowledge and Wisdom to those in the dark, who beg for false evidence, a task of required translations is set forth.

A child must be taught as a child, and herein lies true learning. To learn beyond our limitations, we place ourselves outside the capability to understand the true meaning of the lesson to be learned. Tricks such as temporary memory are used to get us through the time of the lesson. The memory soon lets loose of the knowledge of the lesson when the lesson’s time has past. To return to the thing of maths learned as a student to the most difficult lesson I would not turn first. The absorption rate of understanding is dependent on whether I memorized equations, or understood the theories behind the equations. With a new lesson, completely unknown to us, we turn to the beginning, and at the beginning we find the understanding we need to advance us through the rest of the lesson.

So to the beginning we go, where the basis of understanding may begin, and with a dry tongue we much teach to the deafened, as like with sign language, yet their hearing is fine, and for charity we must go on.


To Include:

Knowledgeable does not mean Understanding.

The meaning of "Knowledge in a Directional Motion".

Wisdom as an Understanding of Knowledge used to Comprehend Future Events as Action’s Results.

Earthy Knowledge and Heavenly Knowledge.





The Feeders,

The Breeders,

and Their Clientele.






The feeders are those who have found and accepted their comfort in the dark. The breeders are those families that produce the feeders. To become one of their clientele, one only need possess a soul, for the sole is their commodity. Their desire of possession, a characteristic of, and a gift from their dark master, is the drive behind the feeder’s darkened ambition. Through the possession of others, they develop a talent of reflection, and a talent to extract unGodly, unHoly, self directed praise and worship. A lighted sole is needed for the talent of reflecting, for a dark sole does not reflect, but what is shown on it, as it is shown on it. A lighted sole will reflect a brighter reflection of what is shown on it. Until a darkened sole acquires the skill of reflection, or the sole of the client is dimmed, a brightly lighted sole will be a deterrent to attack. Most young dark feeders are found amongst themselves.

There are those from family lines which teach their young the traditions and weapons of the feeder. The feeder families we will call the breeders. As in a House of the Lord, lessons are taught throughout the young’s life. In a home of the breeder you find all lessons are taught not always against God or His will, but simply without God, and that is the same. The children learn to look to earthly explanations when answers are needed to explain the pains life presents, and to the use of earthly tools and into temptation they turn for their resolutions.

The darkness of a feeder can vary. Their darkness is proportional to their hunger. The hungrier they become the more they feed, but never will they be filled. For their hunger is of that of the earth, and man nor beast will ever be truly filled from the earth alone. The feeder desires light but cannot make it’s own. It therefore attempts to steal another’s light, or use a client to extract their desired view of themselves.

The client may be of the light, in the light, of the dark, or in the dark. Dimmed is gray, and that is in the dark. The feeders and breeders are in and of the dark. Jesus Christ was of the light, and we are in the light. To know of the light is not the same as being in it, and being in it does mean we are of it.

Any sole will do for the extraction and acceptance of self praise. Although a lighted soul is preferred to a darkened soul. With the possession of a lighted sole both reflection and self praise extraction are possible. A dark soul is an easier prey, not only hungrier and easier to bait, but they are blinded and accept darkened characteristic’s, because they are similar to their own. The possession can eventually dim or darken a soul. The practiced feeder usually discards a sole once lighted now dim or dark, leaving it to their master to guide it to darker depths. Their master, whom they believe to be themselves, gives them a taste for earthly possessions and lighted souls, through his own desire to bind the soul to earthly ways.


To Include:

From where the witch came, and to where the witch has gone.

The recognition of the songs for satan.

The recognition of the true danger of the cults.

The thing of drugs and alcohol: Producers of Clientele.

Prayer for Dark Mantled Soul.



To Top of Page



People of Good Intentions:

Found in the Right,

Yet Lost to the Light.







In my life time I have met and learned of many people of good intention, and for all their intended goodness and accomplishments, they fell into a well set trap. I am one who took the purpose of good intention into the dark, and this was cause for a journey to be set forth. The day I lost sight of the light, I lost the answer the light provides us with, which is, where I am from and to where I am going. A life without a soul is a life without the knowledge of our known journey. The temporary motivations such as family, spouse, children, or one’s self, offer only earthly purposes, and none for life after death.

There is a difference between believing you know the difference between right and wrong, and believing that God’s Word is right, and the serpents earthly temptations are wrong. Doing good is right, but knowing the true reason why the good should be done, gives us a common path to follow. The human that goes through life believing that because they do good, all good things will come to them, is correct in the situations in which they are in control of. As we all know, we aren’t in control of every event into which we enter. So the bad things exist, and so God gives us an explanation for their existence. Yet for the individual who has placed all faith in oneself, failure to know of the true explanation of bad events, leads to a misinterpreted self blamed failure. After enough disappointments with no other explanation but self blamed failure, the individual may enter a dark shutdown. We also are lead to believe that the doing of good is to blame, we are very good at finding blame in just about everything else, before we find blame with ourselves.


To Include:

Losing Sight of the Light.

Earthly Worship: Giving and Accepting.

Earthly Idols: Work, Money, Companionship, Comfort Addictions, Family, and other things of earthly beauty.

Giving our will over to the Will of the Father.

The trick of blame and the Weapon of Forgiveness.

The Power of Forgiveness.







Days, Cycles, and Seasons.







Evolution is one of the serpents masterpiece deceptions. The story of evolution reminds me of a story about a world that once believed the Earth was flat. This same world has come to except the serpents own lie to himself that the earth made itself and that he and his prison the earth, won’t be ending by the power of God. The serpent seems to have produced a full proof story about a time when we existed without God. The best he could provide as far as proof was monkey bones, seemingly really old monkey bones. So as we thought the world was flat, we’ve accepted the explanation that we were all monkeys. Why, because we can see the earth, we can see the bones, and we can not see Heaven.

As we go through our lives we often times find ourselves wondering who we are, where we came from, where we are going, and why? It is possible for everyone to answer all those questions and the rest we may have, if we leave some to the time in which they should be answered. Death is death, our choice, and unavoidable. So what shall we do to prepare for death? We simply accept it as a beginning of a new cycle in our lives. With all the cycles in our life healthy cycle change is usually initialized by a life goal being met. Some examples would be graduations, promotions, marriage, or the birth of a child. So then as all those life goals being met had been worked for to be achieved, then so should the unavoidable cycle change of death have goals attached. Goals achievable through our life’s work.

The work I have chosen is no price I am paying for Heaven, for the possibility of a man ever paying that price is an impossibility. Jesus Christ paid for us, and because of his sacrifice, I know where I am going, I know who I am, and the only thing he asked was that I love and obey my Father. Death is the seven cycle change of our life, and thanks to Jesus it means the beginning of our Father’s time, for those not of the dark.

As with the cycles of a human’s life, so will the seasons end that we are separated from God. We began with God and so shall we end with God. The Bible tells us of the seasons to be as it tells of the seasons that have been. And as they are presented as one source from one source, so shall they become one past source of knowledge. Which we may or may not look back on. Does the butterfly recognize the caterpillar as a once known existence? Does it matter?


To Include:

The Seven Days, and The Time of those Days.

The Seven Cycles of the Human’s Life.

The Seven Seasons of our Existence.

Visual representations of each of the above.






Our Burdens of

Lost Intention







Through the light we see all the pain of this earth is not because God intended it to be this way. We teach our children in the same manner the serpent taught Eve. With the matter of sex we do not teach of its function and God’s intended purpose of it. That being for the husband and wife. We teach it is a pleasure to be avoided, as the serpent did with Eve, and a pleasure of the past is only a knowledge brought about through memory. Once again knowledge is chosen before God. So you see we choose to teach of a knowledge in a way that is against God’s will, as was Eve’s initial choice of knowledge against God’s will. The same serpent with the same unrecognizable characteristic, until dismantled.

We chose to ignore God’s law according to his intention of the relationships between man and woman physically, mentally, and spiritually, and our price has been a great one. AIDS, Herpes, Birth Defects, Teenage Pregnancy, and Abortion.

The gifts of the earth, which man received from God, have become weapon’s of the serpent. Man has been manipulated into reinventing the purpose of the things known as alcohol and drugs. Not only have we been manipulated into dying for a plant, we’ve also forgotten of the good they can provide. The thing of malnutrition has a great role to play for the demon’s of depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction, A.D.H.D., cancer, mid-life crisis, and teenage rebellion.

Starvation is real. We disassociate with pain which is at a safe distance from ourselves. Not because we do not care, but because we see it as a situation for God to handle, or a situation in which we have been deceived into thinking this is God’s will. For those who choose not to use God as their excuse, it is simply kept in their mind as a two dimensional segment of memory for verification of existence. For all our achievements we still allow the death of God’s children, and our fellow brothers and sisters. Their minds, bodies, and soles are starved from birth to death. And we see the problem is the world’s, and the Devil is winning, because the world has forgotten who the enemy is.


To Include:

Our Children found Godless, and Educated in the dark.

Battle Techniques: Saving the Sole, while Destroying the demon.

Patients: Attacking to Defend, leads to Attacking to Attack.

An explanation of the serpents use of all topics listed above.



To Top of Page




Alpha and Omega:

His Time and Our Last Choice






Of all the things of time remember only one, God’s time. For in no pages of knowledge are the future events of today or tomorrow told of our time of this earth. This earth is satan’s prison and the time of his, is the time of the condemned. Only of God’s tomorrow you can be certain, and our reference is the Bible, to the remembrance of Jesus’s sacrifice, to God’s intentions of His creations, and to our betrayal of God’s intent of our Being. Jesus has made it possible for us to have a choice. We can choose to be with God forever, or we can choose to be damned without Him, forever. We do not have a choice in the outcome of all, for we did not create any of all. We do have a choice in our participation in all, that He has created, and that is as He intended.

Our true power over the serpent is gained by defeating him in his constant attacks through the recognition of our Creator. If we can gain the understanding that this stage of our existence here on earth is only the beginning of our journey, we can learn to step back within our limitations. We will not gain an understanding of what waits for us after death until we realize we have already been told.

To Include:

Alterable and Unalterable Future Events.

The Two Choices in reference to All.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Father, Lord Jesus, and the Comforting Counselor.

The True Power in Life and in Death-- Our Father’s Will, Our Lord’s Sacrifice, and Our Comforting Counselor’s Message.












What seems already a life time ago, I remember my attempts to explain Jesus as just a really morally correct philosopher. That was the last sentence I said about Jesus before I found myself corrected. We can change, and we are all equally capable of changing. What follows began as a letter and grew to this novel. Two years ago I would have told a person like myself today, that they were either a fool, a dreamer, or insane. As it turns out, today that is how I see myself of the past. And so now know from where these pages come, the mistakes of a fool, the experience of a dreamer, and the acts of a madman. I am not a Judge, a Philosopher, a Priest, or Teacher, yet in such a way I have been lead to write. So when reading please do not focus on me as the source of the words and the lessons, for I tell you now, I am not.

Within the chapters themselves inserts of presently occurring events are recorded in order to provide a reference of possible encounters with the dark. The order of the recorded events are simply listed as they are observed. The chapters and their structure are to be addressed as a separate entity.

Please understand also that this work is not meant to be an addition too, or a change to what has been written. The Bible is the source of all life’s answers of the past, present, and the future. If any of this work would indicate otherwise as read through another individual’s perspective, then so should that individual tell of their perspective. I am not of the light, I am only in the light, for dirt is dirt, and dirt am I. I therefore cannot tell of the things of the light until He allows that time. The Bible is of the light, and it tells of all the things of the light in the way they were intended to be told. Learning through the view of others in the way which they see God gives a broader perspective on how others deal with earthly events, but when it comes time to learn of the raw lighted lessons to be learned, to the Bible only should we turn, and to the Church for it’s lessons.


To Top of Page





New Season



With all knowledge there comes a new understanding. The purpose of this letter is to bring a complete understanding to the -until now- hidden drive behind the journey in which I have been told to take. This letter is intended to be passed on to the human which is living their life on this earth as a Bi-level existence, that being for the soul and then the mind and body. For in the dark one cannot read, and knowledge can be a danger for the human in denial if it is not introduced in the proper manner. A true understanding of my journey may not be necessary in order for it to serve it’s purpose, simply because there will be a day of judgment for those left unknowing. I understand without the knowledge no light can be shed on the truth, but to the human who has spent their life in the dark, bright light is painful and will only serve to push them further into the darkness. There is no reference material necessary for this letter unlike the material which has been a product of my birth. The material I am developing is for the human of the earth. The human of the earth believes what they see to be true, when in fact what is seen only exists, but is not necessarily true. In order to bring them closer to the light they must first see a glimpse of it’s existence. Once enough light is shown upon them, the source of the light may be revealed, along with the warning not to stare into it. For staring to long will cause blindness and eternal darkness. We must only learn to live within the light, and no alteration to that, need be made.

To you that understands the above also understand I am by no means attempting to alter the light. I am only attempting to reveal the initial glimpse needed for the witness to come into the light. In order to bring a human of the earth into an existence of one which resides beyond the realistic sights and events of the earth you must alter those sights and events into a state of acceptability to become spiritually integrated. This will mean a war for those who become involved. There is only one light and any altercation is a deception. With deceptions I have lived for the past 15 years, taking each to their maximum level of deceit and denial. I have destroyed lives and sentenced the unknowing soul to damnation. My journey into the earthly bound life has lead to it’s recognition. Upon my birth I was brought back into the true light with a repulsive after taste of the dark left lingering. The regret of that dark taste has been removed and an understanding has replaced it.

We took of knowledge in arrogance, and now look upon it with true ignorance. To God the serpent is a nuisance, to the human and Angel he is an enemy. Upon our first arrogant choice, began our time of choice, and that time still exist. The choice is ours light or dark, earth bound or spiritual freedom, good or evil, understanding or ignorance, Satan or Salvation. This Earth is God’s creation, and Satan’s prison. We have the choice of joining him in prison or living as God intended as his children. Jesus Christ has given us the chance to make a choice. It is now up to us to use the knowledge we so ignorantly desired to make the right one.

My choice to open the door when the Holy Spirit was knocking was the resultant of the power which was given to me as a child. My family was the factor in which my birth resulted with such strength. It was not an unpainful or nonphysical birth. It took 7 calender months to the day, with the last 12 hours in a mental fit, and the last 7 in a mental and physical fit. The journey simply could not have been returned from without the strength to withstand the pain involved with the birth. That strength was the Holy Spirit placed deep within my soul as I was absorbent to my Mother’s lessons on living life in the light. My return began with a piece of Earthly knowledge that answered the question of my comfort addiction. Known to me then as alcoholism. These answers lead to the recognition of myself’s mind and body. Myself as known through earthly knowledge. This lead to a day at a lake to get away from it all for a day. That one day turned into one hour of pure earthly knowledge absorption, to the point I could absorb no more. It started with one thought as a bird landed on the lake and turned into a bombardment of thoughts which drove me to my knees completely exhausted. After that the thoughts did not stop and the easiest way to control them was to write them down and get them out of me. That lead me to the arrogant belief that I actually was capable of concept without guidance.

In my seventh month I was a prince of pride and a master of arrogance, until I met a dark servant, and it was unrecognizable to me in any category of human knowledge. The lack of knowing left me defenseless and standing as a jester of pride and a slave to arrogance due to the restrictions which they in place. Alone and strong with denial I searched for my defenses among the Earthly knowledge which I so arrogantly believed to be my invention. I was defeated without so much as an incident occurring due to the effort of my earthly defenses. The recognition of evil came with the realization that the knowledge I had been given could not have been of my invention if I could not bring it into it’s relation to this unrecognizable darkness. In my deepest hour of defeat I turned to the Bible and found that I had none, and their I stood in the true darkness of what I had accepted to be true, alone with my condemned and broken soul.

The knowledge that had been given to me as a child was the only glimmer of light I had to reach for, and with that came glimmer came a knock, and I reached out to my salvation. Through every pour of my body the feces which I had been ingesting poured painfully into a recognizable state of evil, and my transgressions became apparent. That day I was shown the war I was to take to my enemy as a true servant of the Lord. A human’s soul is my God’s creation and my enemy’s desire. With this war will come the true abomination of my earthly desires. In order to identify the unrecognizable we must know the means in which they may attack. The earth is his prison, and from their is where he obtains his weapons. A warrior of the light cannot see to fight in the dark, but remains safe from attack in the light. We choose the weapons he uses through attachment and desire. The more we attach and the more we desire the greater the strength of his weapon.

I have already suffered a great earthly lose to which I commend him on his first blow. The recognition of his hidden way now lets him apparent, along with the knowledge that he will strike again and most likely in an even more unrecognizable form. To commend him on his laughable efforts, is my only needed defense. He has had a lot of time to acquire the skills of true deception, but in his entrapment, only the tools of the earth are available to him. To allow him the advantage of using them, we only need desire them.

So then gain this understanding, with what I am to do in the realm of the earthly systems, I expect no earthly gain. My existence here only need be a comfortable one, and to the earth I no longer look for my comfort. The earth has no comfortable characteristics since the virus known as satan infected it. There are creations of beauty here and that is what makes them so dangerous. God created the beauty and satan has infected it. This is why I pray for the help I know I need everyday. Without the help to recognize, I would return again to the dark, and that I truly cannot allow to be a fear. For if I fear, I will desire release from the fear, and once I desire, I have handed him his weapon and dropped my guard.

And so we begin our documentation of present events, which shall have no more impact on what has already been decided, but may have one on what has not. The season of choice in which we have arrogantly stepped into is still among us. We must remember intention. We were intended to exist without the capacity of choices beyond His choosing, and we were deceived into thinking we were capable of controlling our choices through knowledge. When we fight the serpent in his darkened arena we will lose if we allow him the weapon selection. He has mastered the weapons of his arena past the point to which we have the time to offer any skillful confrontation. But we can use to our advantage an outside source of light to at least see the weapon to which his blow is to be attributed. Through the simple knowledge of recognition we can see the power we asked to hold during this season was simply past our capacity to control. Though we have tried, we have failed miserably. If we would choose to document the weapons he uses as seen in the light, we would have reference to their intent. When compared to God’s initial intent of our being, what is not similar will be seen as the dark, and to the light side of a subject we may direct ourselves. We are in the serpents arena. His prison until the end. Our prison until the beginning, unless we choose to stay with him.

But where may this lead us. If it were to lead me into the light I would be blinded, so alone I will leave, and to God I must trust, the creation of all and the end of all, this thing called time which He has set, how I get to Him once I am released, what He has placed in His stars, the judgment of my fellow souls, the possession of my fellow souls, my soul’s material, or creation’s material, or any other lighted subject. I am an infant of dirt, and to the dirt my body and mind will return, until then, I need not understand anything beyond the dirt, for it was not God’s intention, if it was, I would know already more than only of them. So then we go unto the dirt to which this short season we will spend, and through the light let us begin to dismantle the earthly knowledge unto which the Serpent has so successfully robed with his deceitful intent. For into the light dark intent can not come, and through reminder from documentation may we keep within the light.

Memory is a thing of knowledge. We were not intended to see the things which linger in the dark, so we have no capacity to remember them. And as of the things of light we already know, we just weren’t intended to look through the dark to recognize them. The lessons we learn are soon lost to the accepted reality before us. What we see and touch we accept as reality. There is no reason to remember what no longer is directly before us and is accepted as reality. For we chose to learn through the acceptance of knowledge, and in order to learn, mistakes must be changed to lesson learned. That will still not suffice. If we don’t have reference to them we cannot avoid them. So you see now that God never left. We only were fooled into thinking we had the capacity to remember him.

Find the word in the Bible and you have found God. For the Bible contains his beginning, and if some would choose to join in this, and if it were to continue after we are gone, and after they were gone, then may this begin today and continue until God decides it should stop. I will say again this is no altercation to the word already written, nor is it an addition, nor is it new knowledge, for I am only an infant of dirt and this is only one media of the dirt, not to which I brought light, for I don’t bring light, nor make it, nor understand it, I can only thank Jesus for the chance to live in it. For without Jesus’s sacrifice, to this prison we would be condemned. For if you find Jesus, you find the deception which God gave to satan in return for the deception He received from satan. Satan would have never believed God would Love us so much as to sacrifice his only Son that we might be saved from the world and prison he claimed for himself. And now we can see the meaning of, in God’s image all things were created, for all systems were created in his image. What every we give to God’s intent of things of this Earth, we shall receive back the intent for which He created it. And who better to leave the control of the purpose of a system than to the Creator of that system and all else.

Through intent we find purpose, through purpose we find the error becomes apparent, and the burden of those errors are felt. The release from these burdens is through the separation and dismantling of the serpents tint. Through this dismantling the light becomes very strong, to stay within it while here on earth it would consume and blind us. So only two options remain go to it now, or stop staring into it and simply live within it’s warmth, and wait for God to make that decision, which was his intention. And another burden we pass unto God, and through miraculous process He returns also the burdens with understanding and Love. How is this possible, God gave us the choice of understanding all He chose to tell us, and we ignorantly choose to learn on our own. With our backs turned to God we walked out of the garden he built for us, to face our destiny of choice. Know how long we have been paying for our arrogance in the lack of respect we paid God. How many of our children do not let us know what God went through in our life time. This is not of God’s intention, but of the serpents, simply playing the same trick over and over again with his earthly tools. As he is with what follows and will continue until the serpents end and our beginning.

As a result of the serpents first strike at our camp, to the serpent and his devils go his first congratulations on teaching us the true intent of Marriage and Family. To desire another soul is to wish it’s possession and that is a devil’s job. To worship another soul will only lead to disappointment in the payment of your worship, for worship is a thing of light and that leaves all earthly things out. To accept the worship you are attempting to do God’s job and only a devil would be so arrogant. To forbid a soul from leaving an earthly marriage will only lead to the desire to possess the individual’s soul. So by tempting one the dark easily swallows two. Remember evil is lazy, I no longer believe, evil is ignorant, I now know. To this we may contribute the desire to belong. For we have belonged no where since our first choice not to. A marriage and family is a gift from God through his initial intent, so that until we depart the serpents prison, we have earthly companionship besides only the serpent. Today the serpent has mastered this art into a well tailored business. He only has to work for one sole in a family and he stands to collect the entire bounty. Earthly love is desire, Heavenly Love was intended, and so Love is very powerful in the dark and in the light, and one is often mistaken for the other. If you joined to worship God together, which is what the intent was and is of marriage, and this ends, at the time of God’s replacement, so shall the one replacing Him feel the burden of the earth. Remember well, the strongest in the worldly knowledge and advice are usually the most open to attack especially when all is finally coming into a state of worldly comfort. For worldly comfort is not an easy task and the light can become dimmer as you travel further into worldly ordeals. If you begin to feel the taming comfort while still in the dark, the thought of staying becomes an issue of thought. Before you know it the one so untouchable is lost in the dark and to demand their return is to demand their possession.

This trick satan uses to test our limitations acceptance level while we are still young. To the child who sees his mother crying and goes to offer her advice he has lost before he opened his mouth, and will receive only disappointment. The child does not understand he is beyond his limitations, there is no worldly advice he can give her for he is to young. And there is our deception, because worldly advice is actually no good at any age when a soul feels lost and wishes to be found. And it is the same with with parents and the teen who is lost, and it is the same with the spouse who is lost , and it is the same when a brother is lost, and it is the same when a sister is lost, and it is the same with a mother is lost, and it is the same when a father is lost, and it is the same when all souls are lost. With all souls once found and now lost, go only to do what was intended. Go to offer companionship, if agreed to, and bring along a glimmer of the word of God. So we pray that their sole find the light once again and only hope that the light show them back to our camp. And should they find the light again in our camp or another, rejoice solely in the fact that they have found the light. And then we let them know we have always loved them, but not in a possessive manner, and that our love will continue in that fashion, from within the same camp or from different sites, and any help they may need in finding a glimmer or the road home, they may have with open arms. And if they should care to come calling let them know in advance not to knock, the door will not be locked. It is unnecessary to keep the door locked, that which is still dark won’t be able to enter into the light you are living in, unless they have seen some for themselves. So now it is time to seal this first lose in this dismantle of earthly knowledge. To you who know to whom this is addressed and can comprehend, know that we still love you, but more importantly remember God still loves you.

One note. Our victories need not be documented, for everyday in the light without one is a victory. We are not looking for confrontation, we are looking for avoidance of the dark. The possibility of published victories without confrontation would give cause to hunt for them, and then we stand no chance. That is cause for battle in the dim which only leads to the dark. Cast a glimmer into the dark and draw into the light. We can not enter the dark with a candle and hope of getting back out before the wax has all dripped. So until I know of only God’s knowledge, I will hold my victorious roar.

Tonight you must know of this. My daughter took her first steps towards the light tonight by turning her back on the serpents tempter, for God intervened. So the serpent faced me of a new direction, and God intervened, and to the serpent I nodded and came to this word. So through the light we can see his miracles. That is all that is to be said of those matters for now, except that tonight I truly rejoice in His light.

Know this again. I am of dirt, and so I will come and go in the words of this seasonal letter. Of its intention you must know of it first hand. Today we will find a season’s beginning, the time I know not of. In my asking to Know not of time, God has shown me it is a thing of knowledge, when the Earthly time is all you wish to know.

I will say this, God has gone no where, that was his intent. We asked for knowledge of the serpent’s intent, this was not God’s intent. With knowledge came the dark and the light, this was not God’s intent. To have known of God’s knowledge only, we required no memory, no burden, no desire, no shame, no guilt, no fear, no lust, no choice, for we needed only to know of his choice. His choice was his intent, for that is still the only choice. To know of the serpents knowledge all listed before and more is needed. We turned our backs to God, as our children do to us. This is their choice, and no power do you have over them to make them come home because they choose not to. But intervention takes place when they’re in danger. Death is not a danger if we are of the light. So then I ask what danger exists in this world? That of the dark only.

The dark then is unrecognizable, and limited to Earthly weapons. And now to the serpents down fall we turn, and that is one of greed. For as said we have failed miserably in the season of choice. The planet is darkened to the serpents liking, and to pierce this darkness with a bright light, his drunken state of darkened comfort won’t allow him to lose what he has so easily, and his darkened servants he will send. No impact they will have for there is no defense for an attack of lighted word. To this day no darken word survives but for those who wish to burn with it. And through God’s word we find the knowledge of earthly memory. And to defend his darkness he will come to face the light but yet stay hidden in the dark, and to that man who taketh the leaders of this season’s life, turn to who that murderous dark servant calls boss, and then to his boss,and to his boss, and until you find one who they call master, and he calls himself master. There you will find the true working antichrist, and I pray it is his final form. But of this we in the light will not know for God will intervene as he always does when we recognize the darkness for what it is, and to the time of His intervention we do not ask for we know already. Light is light and dark is dark there is no gray. So we see how simply grand life is for only two choices we must make, one is to recognize the dark and the other is to turn to the light. And once we see the light to it we may run, and the Lord will rejoice, or stay and stand firm in His intention and light, and God will rejoice, and to God I leave my intention.

Now this know of you that choose to wait and ask at the time of God’s day of intervention, the day of a new season will be upon you, and to this season I care not to know, but of what He has told me. And death you will have chosen when the serpent comes to call, so avoid him you must. But if His servants find you submit to your earthly death, for to choose him is to abort your soul of God’s intention, and to eternal damnation you are condemned.

So now of this season’s intention we turn to dismantle all things of the dark they contain and find it’s Godly intention and draw out of them their light. So that we may brighten the Earth of God’s intentions until the serpent can bare to lose no more ground, and a conflict then may take place, following His intervention. And know how peaceful this season will grow for the serpant, the dark can be temporarily comfortable to those of the dark, especially when satan is happy with your behavior. And how much more happier do you think he will be when the lighted churches, lighted schools, lighted businesses, lighted government, lighted families, and lighted individuals are gone. Leaving only adversaries of the light. The lighted sole which develops after His intervention will wish only to be martyred when confrontation is brought their way. And for his earthly gains the man will trade Temples built for the Lord.

War for the serpent will not be, for he will feast on souls first hand, and smell of the blood of the aborted baby, and send the woman to work so she leave no back bone in the homes, and she will be on her back, for all men to taste of her flesh, for at home he will have none that will satisfy like this darkness. And to you who choose to wait for this time to find the light, I wish you my every prayer, for you will need them.

Now I must begin my work in the earthy way in which we will begin to spread God’s light, and that will be as teaching his intentions, and sending his word out, as the Holy Spirit has show me how, to all the people He says to tell.


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A Gift:

Lighted Time






And now in the midst of my Earthly work this morning I awoke to the presence of an Angel. As my only intention was to lend him my mind and body so that he may experience the beauty of this Earth as seen through a lighted human he came into me, only for less than one minute of time did he stay and he left. I believe because my intention was that of the one to give only, he also did the same, and I received the intention of Lighted Time.

And now for a few minutes of Lighted Time, we will turn to it’s intent. As we have searched for the use of the thing called time, we only know of, we are lead into the desire to control it. We feel without its control we are allowing it to control us, which leads to determination, which leads to frustration, which leads to disappointment, which leads to a misinterpreted failure, which leads to a knock from the dark with a suggestion, a trade, an answer for a favor. Depending on the depth of darkness one has traveled the heavier the knock and the greater the trade. Open the door to this knock once and you receive an answer with no end. For the answer you must return to the dark. To find your answer you must first go to the depth to which you found your last and on that add to the depth one more level. We realize not, that Hell is not simply granted, it is achieved. So to any who would say a lost soul is God’s Will, I will say now, this is the will and intent of the Thing who cannot reveal his true name, or true sight, or true intent, because these are things of his own invention, so for him only are they intended. We are not of his invention, we are of the Creator’s Creation.

Quickly I must take a break and tell you, all that read this as doom you are wrong. Our God is a loving God. For on most of these things we attempt to do he could be showing me as to them a wrath they are well deserving of, but to a parent who expects to much from their children, look to the beauty of their attempts and the misunderstood intention.

For that is how he views our thing called N.A.S.A, He would ask where are you trying to get, I may be able to help. You have attempted to break free of satan’s prison, and know this you have accomplished more than the serpent himself. You have shown us of the world this is not our intended prison and you N.A.S.A have been our constant reminder and this was his intention.

To the thing called Drug War he would ask, why do both sides fight my intention, show and offer the intention of each. To the user who alters it’s intention you are doing your lord’s house, that of the serpent, a proud favor of a well learned student, and you are of the beast’s invention, because to use anything as it was not intended to be used, is a reinvention of God’s intention, and that is a sin. And to the side of light, He may say, offer the things of their desire as they were intended to be and in them they will find less pain and to them they will return.

To the searchers of Ebola you have gone to satan’s own attempts at creation for your answers which has lead you to his own layer to which you have found his defenses. To your courage and relentless confrontations know you are fighting a time bomb and the greater the desire to control time and know your accomplishments to do so you have accomplished more than the serpent himself. His time frame is constant and his punishment he cannot avoid, which is Damnation. You have been our constant reminder that we are not subject to the serpent’s punishment, but one of our own choice.

And to the serpent, know now who you have never stopped working for, the Creator will not be denied His intention and what you have chose to break is now fixed, for now we see you as a simple minded instructor who’s subject matter has simply been all that God does not intent. So today I thank you for the services you have provided and ask God to finish whatever it is He intends of you so we may finally Know of Him in All the Ways He Intended.

Back now to the thing of time, for the intention of each is to his own self to discover. I heard of a story of a man who would accomplish more than the speed of light. Speed of all is dependent on time, time is of process, and light is of result, in result time is constant, and then so is the speed of light for it is result, in process it can be measurable, but in process it was not intended to be. As with the Atom, it was intended to build not to be broken. Time is a factor of process and God is in control. For time is only good for two thing’s beginning and ending His processes, His events, His seasons, and His Time of all things. So for all events a time should be a factor in the process.

So with AIDS process with His time and we have our cure, time spent with His intention of all other events, and our cure is clear. We have been using the wrong time. We have been using the time of the condemned, and that time is short.

So with cancer, the things which cause it, to stop them would stop it, but to stop them would stop the mislead thing of wages from a thing called corporate. Would we behead the blind for the chaos they cause, not with this season. For in this season, we give them eyes through description, from outside their heads, where vision is possible. So they may again know of the people they serve and employee. So that wages and quality to work would return.

To the woman who works, your bravely in battle is well noted. The serpent attacked through the wages, his strike breaks homes, so men help when you can, but keep in mind who is in charge, just because she needs to know how to do your job, this does not mean she has forgotten hers. So give her the charge she deserves. And to the woman who needs help for taking on all, use your charge wisely and ask for the help needed. Be patient please wanting to help and knowing how, are two different things. As with all things lessons must be learned. And that means factor in time, and patients comes with, and with patients comes more time to observe, and to observe is to learn, so more time is to learn.

God is the beginning and God is the end of time, for this is a season for which He intended, as with all others. We are in a season of choice and until we choose Him, here we remain. He says now, choose Him, and teach, not tell, of the day of your choice of Him, God our Father in Heaven, and live this season in the intended joy of it alone, and look no further there is nothing to see until that time of His Time. Rejoice and choose God and this shall be a very bright season. Imagine to know of the intention of all things that He intended for us. Give your intention to God, and to you, He will give, His of you, and you will be lighted properly for this season of His intentions.

The thing of time does not exist, it is only a serpents trick. It gives the serpent reference to his processes, other wise he would only know of his beginning and ending. The Lord has set His Time of events to be. When we chose Satan, we chose to Know of the time of the condemned, and that time we will know and use until we choose to Know of God’s intentions. For in time part of process and not of result lay the answer to the serpents trick of AIDS, Ebola, Cancer, WAR, Alcoholism, Drug Wars, Abortion, ADHD, and so much more.

And now comes Creation. For what is a day if time before the serpent did not exist, but for God’s own intention. This thing called Evolution is a process of time we believe to be understood, this time is the time of the serpent, and if of the serpent, it can only be deception. For to look into God’s time, with God we must be, for only He can show us the intention of His.

To do with time as God would intend, the amount as we know it must be used for intention to be completed. Factor time into cures and we find our answers to all. AIDS lives on a cycle, do not feed it for one. Ebola is hidden, let our time take it’s toll, and defend only. Alcoholism, no different from to labor for wages which are not needed, a comfort addiction, and a wrong choice in your worship. Abortion, from the process which initiates Time into Life, a Life is of three, is the Time of Life. To not save one for the other, you murder, look for Jesus, for this is now His intent. For Jesus came for your forgiveness. Look to what is known as the symptoms of this thing called Attention Deficit Disorder, and we find in those who have, individuals if taught may see all for what it is. Depending on the lessons they are taught, this may be of the light or the dark, for very consumable they are, if not taught of their gift. Know of these thing now and change we must, to know of and then to do wrong, you’ve answered your knock from the dark.

To think the above would be simply to tell, a fool I would be, so this day know his lesson of intentions, He has provided for all to learn. An earthly salt this language of lessons requires and time as we know it . I cannot say of His intentions of me in this work, but know my intention I have given to Him. So know again I am only of dirt and of things I know not of, I know not of. This is no change to the stage set which is His, only the reminder that our time is His, when we make that our choice.

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